Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Trash³ - a Time Experiment

So,the rules were the following:

-make a smart painting about everything happening : here, the n°31298 - "De la Glaciation et du Réchauffement climatique, trois saisons, une métamorphose", the three Life's ages, and the sparkling change occuring;

-make a trash²painting about nothing happening on the reverse : here the bloody "0" with BiogummiTrash;

-find a trashplace you're kind of mourning , at least at one hour walk from the place you live and sleep in : here the East Side Gallery, Berlin, at the very corner invaded by the O2-beton-screens-cameras-world - To explain here my own Trash Protest: I dont mean the very work of the East Side Gallery artists is shit, but the very idea to paint on and determine a living memory is in my opinion a pure stinking nonsense, ou une manifestation de la dégénérescence de l’épopée au stade de la réanimation esthétique artificielle - ;

-bring them together at 3am;

-take pics of the spot each hour till 3pm, whatever happens (!);

-forget everything about transports, internet, phone calls - and do not stick to the place! once placed, you do not touch your stuff anymore.

-try to find the best ways to push up the time in-between and discover new secrets about Life, Trashes and everything...

Do you have a question, a suggestion, a comment to share? Feel free to contact me via KmilleCase@gmail.com  I'd be happy to hear from you!