Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Witty Lady - Grand-mère


First Portrait with argile - clay - step by step. I took a pic of myself as basis... First I wasn't sure at all that it will become something, I just improvised everything, and then suddenly the face took life, and the appearance of my grand-mother! (I assume, this is due to the round wood ball I used as support) I was then rather pleased to "see her" there! And it's also a very nice thing, to modell somebody smiling! So, who's next?! Enjoy!
Best Regards, Your Camille Case

technical details : it's around 7X10 cm, I used "Soft Ton", Toothpicks as tools and structure support and a wood ball ca. 6 cm (also as structure support), ca. 6 hours work.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

The Boring Book

First try modelling with an "argil similar" clay, above figurine as just made, underneath as dry figurine, ca. 6X7cm. 

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Mon beau sapin - oder wie man Xmas - Stress beseitigt!

a lovely way to get out of Christmas Stress - and spare much time & money! ^^
Have a nice and funny Christmas time!
Kind Regards,
Your Camille Case

technical details : modelling clay - plasticine, toothpicks ; 9X6,5 cm; ca. 1X1cm ->3X1cm.
story: I longed for a great Christmas Tree but the whole thing with getting it home and fine did just stress me! As I was modelling the knetenfreaks I came to the idea of this freaky little version :) enjoy!

Sunday, November 25, 2012


view from : n°98109, Marie, ballpoint pen, acrylfarbe, 20X20, canvas, Potsdam, 25. Nov. 2012.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Improvisation Baum

view from : n°98107, Improvisation Baum, ballpoint pen, Acrylfarbe, Wasserfarbe, Ölkreide, Paper A4, Potsdam, 21. Nov. 2012.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Ceci est mon corps, ceci est mon sang

view from n°98004, Ceci est mon corps, ceci est mon sang, ballpoint pen, Acrylfarbe, Leinwand, 30X30cm, Berlin-Potsdam, 2011-2012.

Materials : Sun, consumption, energy, bd, philosophy, provocation.

Story: emerged as I was sunbathing by the river Spree, near to the O* world, detached from concrete needs, just dreaming a sunny life d'amour et d'eau fraîche...

Monday, November 5, 2012

Sanssouci lights


Potsdam Sanssouci, 2. nov. 2012.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


view from n°98003, Mouline-Ex, ballpoint pen, Stift, Acrylfarbe on plywood, ca. 32X40 cm Berlin-Potsdam, 2011-2012

Materials : mum's old seventies hairdryer, plywood, loooong time ago souvenirs, stuffs.

Story: delirium about mysterious functions of a hairdryer & the name of one producer, life's inspiration did the rest! - for all those now a bit bored about the naive childish motives! gnark gnark gnark...^^

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Die Knetenfreaks - Der kleine Explorer

number 007, der kleine (ca3X4cm) Explorer ^^

Monday, October 8, 2012

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Die Knetenfreaks

Mrs M & her Lover
Miss Feminiss'

Mr Rocky Lover

Friday, October 5, 2012

Le Petit Oiseau Marathonbird!

Yes!!! Congratulation! Have a nice weekend! Tchin tchin!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Le petit oiseau...

about this picture:

Materials: boredom, a case, a kid's fantasy - Paper (15X20cm), ballpoint pen.

Story: a very exciting one, just began as an improvisation exercise from a case (as Camille Case, it's a natural point of departure), it became the Philosoph bird on the rock... and took life with many other faces the days after, challenging the logic and bienséance to reach unknown records! 

I wish you much fun with le petit oiseau and his adventures! 
If you wish to give your feedback, if you have any questions, ideas, please tell me, directly here as a comment to this post or as an email to  Thank you very much! Your C.C.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Thursday, August 30, 2012