n°80983 – Destiny, 30X40, acrylic on canvas, 25 July 09.
About this picture:
Materials: lunch table, improvisation, existential question
Story: This one goes about the seeking of one's destiny, the hard rocky steep way up to the goal, the longing, the light and the darkness of one's destiny-reaching, the frightful obstacles and link to one's devil-angel-destiny...
n°82507 - Employed, 46X62, acrylic on plywood, 19 sep. 09.
About this picture:
Materials: Berliner walls, slept impro, recycling
Story: this goes about the "Loss of Innocence" - the disappointed-but still light behind childish joys of a berliner worker. The "Employed-being" as a being used like a rope... till the very end and not, though.

n°43020 - La cruauté, ou Titus Andronicus (Cruelty, or Titus Andronicus), May 09, 31X40, acrylic on plywood.
About this picture:
Materials: Shakespeare, Bridshit, astonishment.
Story: I just saw the bbc version of the theaterplay Titus Andronicus and was rather puzzled by this one story - by the cruelty, the darkness - not especially what you expect of the Dear writer. In the following morning I just happen to see a birdshit, which pointed to this one face and feeling/being of cruelty.

Mélancollage, January 09 (recto of The tenebrous with apple)
About this collage:
Materials: deep deep depths of the mind, paper, resting plywood.
Story: I just felt keen on gathering testimonies on death, waste, time running over, past, depression and any kind of [suicidal] manuals (ties/Gutschein)

n°65317 - Le ténébreux à la pomme (The tenebrous, with apple), 50X40cm, 13 July 09
About this picture:
Materials: jam, resting plywood, mistake and impro
Story: I made a drawing from jam remainings on a Teller, kept the guys' face in mind, happen to want to work on improvization, catch the melancholly-collage, begun on the back abstract motives... and the guy came back, deeply sinking in his dark thoughts...

n°10124 - "L'écorché" ou "Délices d'yeux brouillés au poil" (The abrased), 40X50 cm (verso of "Âmes rugissantes de l'arbre écorché"), 26 June 09.
About this picture:
Materials: the fascinating remainings of an Aufkleber on a BVG transparent paroi, vision trouble and exhaustion.
Story: this one painting came from an everyday-meeting, with wasted stuff for this case - this goes about blood, identity, division, torment, disappearing.

n°59354 - "Earring" ou "Nature Morte", 23X76cm, 5 July 09
About this picture:
Materials: new adopted conceptual earrings, resting plywood, human nonsense.
Story: began as a funny story on a market - looking for some nice stuff to make oneself a pleasure. As often, two not-made-to-match-pieces gefielen mir, and the two sets nicht so sehr meiner Portemonnaie. purchase dropped but a few meters away deeply newly longed: an idea rose, and won the deal. The Dead Fish and the Murdering² Gun became the objects of this work - and the simple shortcut to express a view on the blind exploitation of natural ressources, leading to both parts' bloody end.
Digitizing of the works by Felix Neiss.
Do you have a question, a suggestion, a comment to share? Feel free to contact me via KmilleCase@gmail.com I'd be happy to hear from you!