n°20761 – Vanitas, ou Mrs Dead & Mr Free, 40X50, acrylic on plywood, April 09 (signed C. Nim, for Claude Nimande)
About this picture:
Materials: an evening by a friend, resting plywood, mirror.
Story: La mort nous nargue et joue, entre amour, jeunesse et vieillesse, roses fanées des sourires d’hier…

n°39071 – De l’éternel vacillement des Échafauds d’âges, «D’où venons-nous, qui sommes-nous, ou allons-nous» (Where are we coming from, who are we, where are we going), 32X44, acrylic on plywood, May 09.
About this picture:
Materials: Breakfast, bread expiry date, birthdate, Old story, resting plywood, decadence.
Story: As very often, breakfast is a great time for crazy-but-efficient idearising. So was this day the assigned Death of the Bread met my own Date of Birth. As I saw Gauguin's painting, as I read all philosophers'existential texts and even more, I felt myself properly entitled to make a new great unforgettable unforgivable artwork on the "where are we coming from, who are we, where are we going". I felt also in this time quite puzzled and lost on my duties-projects-life-map... So this ended up in this crazy puzzling perspective as well. The path is above a deep ravine, the cut bread-heads on the woods stand right in holes, moving towards or away from us, getting down or up on the way. In the front of the picture, you may be able to distingish one from the other, in the end/beginning not any more... Dazu, I found out an installation, puting the painting in relation with its origins, the Deadbreads - and a new Deadbread-Machine- Merchandizings- Life-stories - Serie, which was shown at the Christmas Palm Exhibition, 20th. Dec, Berlin.

n°29801 – Liebe, ou Clair-obscur de la trinité perdue (Love, or The Lost Trinity's Half-Light), 32X35, acrylic on plywood, April 09 (signed C. Nim, for Claude Nimande)
About this picture:
Materials: calligraphie, dream, Plato, resting plywood.
Story: The familly as an island in the darkness, as a last exception... the night and oblivion are closing up.

n°25070 - "La Prière" ("The Prayer"), 33X30,5cm. April 09 (signed C. Nim, for Claude Nimande)
About this picture:
Materials: resting plywood, one single movement, a 2cm² sketch
Story: this one goes about the apparent desperate condition of a human being, longing for help, praying and puting his hopes in a higher unseen providence... - in this strong faith/need/hope, something happens to rise, but as simply as wonderlike from the human being actually.

n°10124 - "Âmes rugissantes de l'arbre écorché" (recto de "L'écorché" - "The Wailing Souls of the Abrased Tree", recto of "The Abrased"), 40X50cm, 26 June 09
About this picture:
Materials: energy and presence, resting plywood, return, phone call.
Story: this goes about connections, a dried lonely lostbeing. fantasmatic vision of sighing souls, haunting everything, having no rest, trapped in a lonely rocky inbetween.
Digitizing of the works by Felix Neiss.
Do you have a question, a suggestion, a comment to share? Feel free to contact me via KmilleCase@gmail.com I'd be happy to hear from you!
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