Wednesday, August 26, 2009

We're just Little Big Kids! Paintings, 07.09-...

n°62081 – Life’s but a Dream, 44X57, acrylic on plywood, 10 July 09.

About this picture:
Materials: resting plywood, dreams, game
Story: a thoughtful Ophelia-Nymphe, waiting for a Hamlet to save her from the Fall.  a fairytale candy cloud of sweet nothingness...

n°67126 - From Russia with Love, 14 July 09, 43X57cm, acrylic on plywood.

About this picture:
Materials: resting plywood, something of the Joyful Jumps by Romero Britto, sweet souvenir
Story: the terrific material and visual proof of being able to create/think/feel like a ten-years-old -and of the high easiness and delight of this! I really enjoyed the patient, simple work on these naive subjects, simply dropped in it much of my personal candytruck - felt like a big smile.

Digitizing of the works by Felix Neiss.
Do you have a question, a suggestion, a comment to share? Feel free to contact me via  I'd be happy to hear from you!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Trash³ - a Time Experiment

So,the rules were the following:

-make a smart painting about everything happening : here, the n°31298 - "De la Glaciation et du Réchauffement climatique, trois saisons, une métamorphose", the three Life's ages, and the sparkling change occuring;

-make a trash²painting about nothing happening on the reverse : here the bloody "0" with BiogummiTrash;

-find a trashplace you're kind of mourning , at least at one hour walk from the place you live and sleep in : here the East Side Gallery, Berlin, at the very corner invaded by the O2-beton-screens-cameras-world - To explain here my own Trash Protest: I dont mean the very work of the East Side Gallery artists is shit, but the very idea to paint on and determine a living memory is in my opinion a pure stinking nonsense, ou une manifestation de la dégénérescence de l’épopée au stade de la réanimation esthétique artificielle - ;

-bring them together at 3am;

-take pics of the spot each hour till 3pm, whatever happens (!);

-forget everything about transports, internet, phone calls - and do not stick to the place! once placed, you do not touch your stuff anymore.

-try to find the best ways to push up the time in-between and discover new secrets about Life, Trashes and everything...

Do you have a question, a suggestion, a comment to share? Feel free to contact me via  I'd be happy to hear from you!

Monday, August 10, 2009


Expologi(s)que, 24 August 09 (view from the gangway's installations)

view from n° 81347 - Gehaltsgefühl (Salary-feeling), 27 July 09, 70X90, acrylic on canvas. (Expologi(s)que, 24 August 09, atelier)
Prices on demand: feel free to ask! Do you have a question, a suggestion, a comment to share? Feel free to contact me via  I'd be happy to hear from you!

24 août, 18:00 - 00:00

Expologi(s)que de la Décadence, Épisode II

Après le débarquement, un petit massacre s'impose, c'est de bonne guerre!

Qu'y aura-t-il? des peintures (- et des pictures). les baptisées, les nouvelles infidèles, les témoins d'une certaine décadence, et même d'une décadence certaine. Le tout at home, et home made.
Bienvenue aussi à tout amateur de décadences et de kamikazeries!

Pour toute question, pour toute info, n'hésitez pas à contacter le CustomerCare via Les oeuvres seront aussi mises en vente à des tarifs expo.

24th. August, 6pm-0am
Expologi(s)que de la Décadence, Épisode II

After the Débarquement, a little massacre should take place. That's a kind of war-logical thing.
What's it about? Paintings(n pics). the baptized ones, the new infidel ones, the witnesses of a certain decadence. At home and made in home.

You're feeling quite attracted by decadences, kamikazeries? You're most welcome!

For info or questions, do not hesitate to contact the CustomerCare via ! The works will be sold at an exhibition special price.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Weimar, 08.2009

the wall-window-bike pic you'll make anywhere (here certified in Weimar)

Qui pose?


Do you have a question, a suggestion, a comment to share? Feel free to contact me via I'd be happy to hear from you!

Berlin - Weimar, 08.2009

The City that Never Sleeps (The Forgotten Grey One)

the hairy Bahnsteig


modern choc-therapy for sofa-parents

Radis, 111,6 km from Berlin; 50,1 from Halle.

Do you have a question, a suggestion, a comment to share? Feel free to contact me via  I'd be happy to hear from you!

Passions, Paintings, acrylic on plywood, canvas, i*ea table - 04-08.2009

n°82491 – Passion’s Dark Sunflower, 30X40, acrylic on canvas, 1. Sept.09.

About this picture:
Materials: agenda, calligraphie, mistakes, impro
Story: The Passion as a shared torment. the couple is bound by the very torment and disturbing thought of it.  Passion as a higher ironical master laughing at the lovers, allowing them narrow hopes, comfort and beauty.

n°54037 – The PopKissGame, 56X61, acrylic on plywood, May 09.

About this picture:
Materials: decent backstage of a very succesful naive Kiss, Wirbel, lightness, game.
Story: "You have witchcraft in your lips, Kate" - an interpretation of the Love's game as a harmonious/contorted, sunny/bitter, arrowed/flourishing eternal embrace and cycle.

n°31298 – De la Glaciation et du Réchauffement climatique, trois saisons, une métamorphose (verso: the bloody trash² painting «0», Aug09), acrylic on plywood, April 09.

About this picture:
Materials: resting plywood, zen, dream, cases and freedom.
Story: Premier essai de peinture abstraite, ici représentant un chemin, une ascension, un soleil. Les trois couches horizontales figurent les trois âges d’une maturation – ou fixation progressive: le chaos, les bribes et les mouvements caractérisent les origines, l’enfance, la substance primaire; les assemblages, les intersections et conflits caractérisent les défis de l’adolescence; l’unité, la solidité – peut-être trompeuse et morne? –, la pesanteur d’un accord, d’une pacification, d’un silence peut-être, caractérisent l’âge adulte. La trajectoire oblique symbolise quant à elle l’évolution, la progression à travers et au-delà de ces étapes communes, la recherche, l’espoir, et enfin «l’aboutissement aux nues», l’ultime grâce de l’existence dans la saisie de la fugace étincelle d’un rêve, d’une beauté, d’une perfection, de la mesure à la fois unique, extraordinaire et proprement individuelle.

«Exister, c’est trouver le moyen – cet ultime et intime crochet du besoin - de ne pas se jeter aux ordures avant que la vie ne s’en charge»

n°27050 – L’œuvre, ou La mort de l’artiste (The Artwork, or The Artist's Death), 37,2X37,5, acrylic on plywood, April 09, (signed C. Nim, for Claude Nimande)

About this picture:
Materials: resting plywood, Sight of the End, exhaustion, regrets, gift.
Story: L'oeuvre. Le caillou, le testament, un débris d’âme ciselé, la fin comme vision, comme expression, comme ultime réunion. Le rêve, doucement, fatalement, effleure la surface des jours.

n°70803 - Ensemble (Together), 47X50 cm, 14 July 09

About this picture:
Materials: resting plywood, love, kind of frightful hippieness, an enjoyed Romero Britto exhibition.
Story: This goes about the sweet and perfect harmony and respect between true partners, their common vision and the world smiling with them in a bright glorious sunshine...

n°60128 - Love Hurts, 40X62cm, 8 July 09

About this picture:
Materials: resting plywood, nausée, surrealistic longing
Story: the picture of the Heartaching, the tormented heart carving the eye/mind in a vomitive explosion -the distorted arms and leggs stand for the excruciating feeling haunting the whole body.

Digitizing of the works by Felix Neiss.
Do you have a question, a suggestion, a comment to share? Feel free to contact me via  I'd be happy to hear from you!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Décadence, polychromic versions - 04-09.2009 - Paintings on plywood and canvas

n°80983 – Destiny, 30X40, acrylic on canvas, 25 July 09.

About this picture:
Materials: lunch table, improvisation, existential question
Story: This one goes about the seeking of one's destiny, the hard rocky steep way up to the goal, the longing, the light and the darkness of one's destiny-reaching, the frightful obstacles and link to one's devil-angel-destiny...

n°82507 - Employed, 46X62, acrylic on plywood, 19 sep. 09.

About this picture:
Materials: Berliner walls, slept impro, recycling
Story: this goes about the "Loss of Innocence" - the disappointed-but still light behind childish joys of a berliner worker.  The "Employed-being" as a being used like a rope... till the very end and not, though.

n°43020 - La cruauté, ou Titus Andronicus (Cruelty, or Titus Andronicus), May 09, 31X40, acrylic on plywood.

About this picture:
Materials: Shakespeare, Bridshit, astonishment.
Story: I just saw the bbc version of the theaterplay Titus Andronicus and was rather puzzled by this one story - by the cruelty, the darkness - not especially what you expect of the Dear writer.  In the following morning I just happen to see a birdshit, which pointed to this one face and feeling/being of cruelty. 

Mélancollage, January 09 (recto of The tenebrous with apple)

About this collage:
Materials: deep deep depths of the mind, paper, resting plywood.
Story: I just felt keen on gathering testimonies on death, waste, time running over, past, depression and any kind of [suicidal] manuals (ties/Gutschein)

n°65317 - Le ténébreux à la pomme (The tenebrous, with apple), 50X40cm, 13 July 09
About this picture:
Materials: jam, resting plywood, mistake and impro
Story: I made a drawing from jam remainings on a Teller, kept the guys' face in mind, happen to want to work on improvization, catch the melancholly-collage, begun on the back abstract motives... and the guy came back, deeply sinking in his dark thoughts...

n°10124 - "L'écorché" ou "Délices d'yeux brouillés au poil" (The abrased), 40X50 cm (verso of "Âmes rugissantes de l'arbre écorché"), 26 June 09.

About this picture:
Materials: the fascinating remainings of an Aufkleber on a BVG transparent paroi, vision trouble and exhaustion.
Story: this one painting came from an everyday-meeting, with wasted stuff for this case - this goes about blood, identity, division, torment, disappearing.

n°59354 - "Earring" ou "Nature Morte", 23X76cm, 5 July 09

About this picture:
Materials: new adopted conceptual earrings, resting plywood, human nonsense.
Story: began as a funny story on a market - looking for some nice stuff to make oneself a pleasure.  As often, two not-made-to-match-pieces gefielen mir, and the two sets nicht so sehr meiner Portemonnaie.  purchase dropped but a few meters away deeply newly longed: an idea rose, and won the deal.  The Dead Fish and the Murdering² Gun became the objects of this work - and the simple shortcut to express a view on the blind exploitation of natural ressources, leading to both parts' bloody end.

Digitizing of the works by Felix Neiss.

Do you have a question, a suggestion, a comment to share? Feel free to contact me via I'd be happy to hear from you!