Saturday, November 7, 2009


Métro-boulot-dodo: an experiment about the daily puzzling circle. In three periods.

So are the rules:
- choose a metro station you usually run/sigh/juronnes through on your way to work;
- choose simple clothes, kind of day & night hybrids (like the ones you wear whilst relaxing home);
- think about drawing during a quite long while & your personal basicst needs for this quite long while (no eraser, no publicity, no money, no jacket, no phone, no boy/girlfriend, no food, no pet - the matter is just to "do it");
- pray it wont rain;
- go to your station in order to begin at 2pm... and finish at 2am;
- draw on the very same spot in 3X4 hours about Métro/Boulot/Dodo;
- be ready for anything!!! (and take note of what happened in this present case...)

Experiment begun in time - 2pm, 7.11.2009 - ... and was guiltily dropped at 17:23 C.E.T. after 1/3 for the following reasons:

1.stupid french tourists (!)
2.very poor music mix (three love songs, that's sweet, but again and again... definitely bo-rrrrring!!!)
3.most travelers remaining more passive than disturbing/nourishing the experiment
4.very damned fu***** cold location (the purpose is actually NOT to damage the working forces & materials)
in conclusion... this Métro-Boulot-Dodo made definitely plenty (cooold) fun! - as the real one?

Do you have a question, a suggestion, a comment to share? Feel free to contact me via  I'd be happy to hear from you!