Sunday, November 28, 2021

Kwaddelidatsch - or 30 Days Yoga Challenge à la Camille Case :-)

Yearend, Black Friday, Blue Monday, Delta, Omicron, Allo Papa Tango Charlie...

It seems the world is getting so weird and stressful again... What shall we do? What about following my invitation here to try a new yoga routine, and/or just add some colours to your days? Let's take some time for the inner peace! There is enough to do and deal with outside, let's take a deep breath and concentrate, let's take some time for a break, for some fun, joy, little things that let us feel better :-)

Keep healthy, keep strong! 

how to use this: just print it on a A4 paper sheet and fill it with your own colours, experience, ideas,...

Please do not hesitate to share with me your colourfull versions of this 30 days' schedule, or your own creative schedules! I will be happy to hear from you, take care! :-)

PS: the name "Kwaddelidatsch" comes from my husband, quite typicall for his "lower Elbe-funny spirit"

PPS: who finds out what was my main personal reason for creating this, wins a special price :-)

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Abschied vom ego


nr. 880711288, Abschied vom ego/congédier l'ego... Ölkreide, Akrylik, edding 40x50cm auf Malkarton, Bonn, 18.10.2021

hommage à une philosophie et spiritualité qui me touche, et m'inspire sincèrement 💗 la cible représente l'ego selon certains récits et symboles, cet ego auquel on s'accroche, cette face que l'on ne veut pas perdre, ces impératifs de "convenir/suffire/plaire/obéir/s'alligner", et les douleurs et souffrances, les cris, les coups de coude, les combats de rivalités qui en résultent.  En contraste, le geste de détachement et une compassion, une tendresse qui s'épanouit et se répand calmement... 💗tashi delek! mes meilleurs souhaits! Have a great time folks 💗

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Happy (delayed) Valentine 2021

eine verspätete.. schnelle Squizze zum Thema Valentinstag 2021... weil ich es mal einfach so fühle... 💓just to say to you: Keep strong! Alles Gute und noch viel Ausdauer, ihr lieben! 🍀 take care 😊🙏