Sunday, November 28, 2010

Urban Angel I

view from n°95172, Urban Angel I, 20X20, acrylic and ballpoint on canvas, 28. Nov. 2010.

Stop smoking! #2

first week...

Sunday, early morning. I was ready to burn the first ones, but suddenly, something didnt match.  I couldnt do it, this was far too cruel...  the nature, and the burning cigarettes, da stimmt etwas nicht.  definitiv.  So what now? I thought and thought... and saw the solution : not burning, but transforming them.  From Bad to Sweet, patiently,... 

So this is how it looks like right now: step next time!!!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Stop smoking! #1

So now, lets burn it! 
preferably outside, and at a regular pace, once a week would be good...  and then X³/Y²-2DS get domesticated.  Good work! 

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Latest Cases #3

#1st of all : THANK YOU!!! & YESSSSS! I’m still there (und daneben) too!!!

This kamikAZzadDventure is all about our anytime crossing ways, shared feelings, dreams and delirics, and I’m very happy to share the latest with you! So a bow and Huge Thanks to you, fierce travelmates!

…and special thanks for reading –and participating too – in this one edition, you’ll get much more to do, so please pay attention! (as always, if circumstances do allow – if you’re hunted by secret agents or a bad-tempered aunt, you’ve got my whole understanding…) 

As its already some time ago since the latest Latest Cases, I keep these ones in a Best of way – but you may have a further look!

For all your comments, ideas, questions, please contact me via or via Facebook – I’m always happy to hear from you!
Latest uploads : 
- le promeneur solitaire…
- About The Unbearable Lightness of Having
- When an orange becomes chocolate
- About Mr Love (The Dark Mysterious One)
- About Life!

Current action: 
- A new Skin
- 2011 Resolutions

- ABBA – BABAnight (or About the Whole Love, The Mighty One)
- Past revisited
- Sales!
- Metroclouds


Latest uploads:

- le promeneur solitaire… The single man of a late summer night’ swimming dream… 

- About The Unbearable Lightness of Having, about a urban mystery, about a dusty melancholic typisch Berlin scenery…

- When an orange becomes chocolate… I just really fancied the Zetti Fetzer design, and played a bit with stuffs – colours – Eluard.

- About Mr Love (The Dark Mysterious One) – As placebo got it… I couldnt help.

- About Life! Life.


Current action:

- A New Skin : no surgery, but a bit of Blog-clean/ring. How do you find the new page design? Does this new one suit better your idea of CamilleCase, or not? Why - not? Would you think about other themes/colours/designs? Your opinion and comments are most welcome! Thank you!

- 2011 Resolutions: or maybe a bit less. But who knows? Recently announced, the “stop smoking” action is not only not a voluntary reaction against the future rising taxes on cigarettes in Germany, but an action: this is an offer and occasion to get rid of your toxics – any toxics you got, these might be away by 2011. Only discipline, belief… keep up to date for the further steps! (and yes, this ist just bullshit, for any special effects please ask you doctor) From now on: think about your own “smoking”, share it as you like. The more ideas, the more energies! Lets get it right!



- ABBA – BABAnight, (or About the Whole Love, The Mighty One): 11th December, 9pm - at the Bude. 
As its already getting a tradition, the date is dramatically historical : 28 years ago, the 11. Dec 1982, the most blessed nordic flower power band made their last performance [at least according to wiki]... in remembrance of this tragical day, lets get an overkilling ABBA-BABANIGHT, with hippie paintings, hippie people, hippie colors, hippie dance... ABBA - and maybe Boney M. groovy music!!! Lets celebrate!
& the offer for Kumpel-travellers is still runing : up to 4 sleeping places available. First asked, first there!

- Past revisited: new painting project involving revolt and lèse-majesté in a bright hippie ecoway…

- Sales! As I’m moving on, new prices and conditions will be available from the 12th December on, with special offers for the 11th. So I advice you to have a look! 


*as I'm still a clown n an april fish too... "cherchez l'intrus" - #2, solution : Waiting for New Addiction : as Mr Chocolate** is getting me to betray the homeland, which solution but a stronger stuff? Actually trying vegetables. I cannot seriously be just thinking about such a Thing! ;)
** Did someone count the Dresdner Cases? I’d be f*** amazed! :) 
***Have fun!

Sunday, November 14, 2010


View from: n°94259, Life30X40, acrylic on canvas, 14. Nov. 2010.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Stop smoking! Introduction

It's getting darker - or not - red, green, candles, Santa's coming... and 2011 : so, high time to make sure, this year, you'll get it right with your resolutions!

As one help more might help more, lets begin right now!

So short: the present action is a common provocative desintoxicating one.  

You'd like to quit with smoking, you'd like to get free from your/your aunt's/your dog's/your toe's/your brain's/your neighbour's/your chief's/your favourite red-with-green-polka-dotted-washcloth  X³/Y²-2DS characteristics without surgery and in a peaceful way? 

I'm happy to tell you, this will be possible, and rather easy : lets burn it! - I mean, the doomed-to-burn-notliving-cigarettes, of course.   The very point of the experiment is indeed to focus on the X³/Y²-2DS characteristics/smoking/ as external-notneeded-nasty-features in order to expel them efficiently and peaceful...
Any question? I show you.  It's beginning right now...

#1: contemplate briefly your (getting to be) last pack of cigarettes (or similar objects if you prefer - the point is, these can burn easily and without further damages to your environment and should represent "the poison you want to expel", and there should be at least 4 pieces of them)

#2: just let it aside.

#3: [coming next week]


[the above is pure bullshit.  for side effects please ask your doctor.  but you may have a look.]

Monday, November 8, 2010

World Music

View from : n° 94187, World Music, 30X40, acrylic on canvas, 8. Nov. 2010.

Who said "hippie"?